Noteworthy Saturday
Do you you ever feel like you're in a a rut? Oh boy! Have I ever. In my opinion I think it's important to evaluate your life every so often to take inventory. This inventory can help guide you to future goals.
As a Christian Vegan, I feel it is my duty to live a life of impact. I certainly don't want to leave this life with regrets. I ask myself how am I improving. Has anyone shown interest in veganism and vegetarianism because of me? Does anyone have more questions about God because of me?
Lately, I've felt that rut sneak up on me. Wanting to be more proactive in life. It's easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day. So I decided to create this journal base on the Simply Vintagegirl blog (. I want to re-create my life. Make some big changes and some little changes. But journal will help keep me on track. How do you want to be remembered?
Peace, Vegan Girl
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
The Art of Life
Vegan Living Thursday
Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved
It is said that art imitates life. So, how can you make your life a work of art? How do you design your day? In what way can you paint a picture of your life through your choices?
I often think how easy it is to take life for granted. We work, take care of our families and do all the day-to-day things that make up our lives. Yet, I wonder how often do we take time to see the beauty in ever day. Cliche, yes, but I won't kid myself. I don't often look at life as though I were walking through a Claude Monet painting. Frolicking through gardens and wading through ethereal ponds while holding a parasol. I often see life as a rendition of Edvard Munch's the Scream!
But it takes effort to smell the roses. I imagine that you already knew that. With this in mind what can you do or what do you do to craft your day as a gift? Treating daily life as a snapshot that you will remember and appreciate. Each day can be a chasing after the wind. So enjoy your life. Bring joy to the lives of others. Paint a picture each day by the way you choose to live. As the cliche goes: a picture is worth a thousand words.
Peace, Vegan Girl
Monday, June 25, 2012
Bad Girl Stash
Cyber Fyber Monday
I'm here to confess that I have a huge stash of spinning fiber and yarn. And when I say huge I mean huge. I use to have an online yarn store and when I closed shop I was left with the inventory. So what's the problem you say? I'm set for years to come. How about that all the yarn and fibers I own are animal based! Silk, wool, alpaca etc. etc. etc. I had this store before I became Vegan. Oops!
So now I have loads of yarn and fibers that need to find a better home. Now this is something I feel supremely guilty over. This yarn had been in storage inside my condo for quite some time. I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with all since there was so much. I did give some away. I thought about selling some on Ebay, but was a little overwhelmed by the thought of trying to sell it all online again. Well, I read an article on mulesing and became so enraged that I packed all that yarn and fiber into very large garbage bags and threw it in the dumpster! We're talking about 12 bags of yarn and fiber. I felt intense relief...
But then came the next day. I started to panic! I thought to myself what was I thinking! I could sell all that yarn and fiber and give the money to charity. IDIOT! So early in the morning I promptly went to the dumpster and was able to rescure 8 of the 12 gargbage bags. I wound up stuffing the fiber in my car and in my condo. Where it still sits because I haven't gotten off my backside to sell it on Ebay...
Am I ashamed that I haven't done anything about the yarn and fiber? Yes. But it doesn't matter how I feel unless I do something about it! What did you do with your stash of animal fibers and yarns once you became Vegan?
Peace, Vegan Girl
Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved
So now I have loads of yarn and fibers that need to find a better home. Now this is something I feel supremely guilty over. This yarn had been in storage inside my condo for quite some time. I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with all since there was so much. I did give some away. I thought about selling some on Ebay, but was a little overwhelmed by the thought of trying to sell it all online again. Well, I read an article on mulesing and became so enraged that I packed all that yarn and fiber into very large garbage bags and threw it in the dumpster! We're talking about 12 bags of yarn and fiber. I felt intense relief...
But then came the next day. I started to panic! I thought to myself what was I thinking! I could sell all that yarn and fiber and give the money to charity. IDIOT! So early in the morning I promptly went to the dumpster and was able to rescure 8 of the 12 gargbage bags. I wound up stuffing the fiber in my car and in my condo. Where it still sits because I haven't gotten off my backside to sell it on Ebay...
Am I ashamed that I haven't done anything about the yarn and fiber? Yes. But it doesn't matter how I feel unless I do something about it! What did you do with your stash of animal fibers and yarns once you became Vegan?
Peace, Vegan Girl
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Taking Off Your Halo
Noteworthy Saturday
As I continue to read Victoria Moran's book Fat, Broke, and Lonely No More! I find nuggets of information that I find noteworthy. Today's topic is about taking off your halo. Moran suggests that we try to wear halos of perfection. People may think I must be the perfect mom or my kid's classmates will talk about me. I must be the perfect professional or all my friends will think I'm a failure. If my house isn't spotless when my friends come over what will they think! Well, they'll think your a "control freak" and they would probably be right. OK, that was a little harsh. We all have little demons sitting on shoulders whispering our failures, mistakes, and shortcomings. But, how are you going to "craft" your life to avoid such pitfalls? Vegans spend their lives wanting nothing but peace and compassion. We want to do no harm. But, do we apply this perspective in the way we treat ourselves? What we feel on the inside will eventually spill out from us. Whether it is good or bad.
Well, let's first start with a little story. I had a chance to be around a certain person much more than I'm usually around them. This person wears a halo. This halo is not just any halo, but a halo that says I do everything right and I'm the only one who cares, and if on that rare occasion I do make a mistake and appear to not care, it was because of someone else. Hmm... Yes, this person has a very interesting perspective. I watched this person's behavior throughout our time together. I could describe her behavior as nothing short of bipolar (and no, I do not make light of people's medical conditions. conditions untreated can harm all involved. nor am I an expert on diagnosis.) One minute this person was in a near rage about a problem and literally seconds later they were having a normal conversation. I can honestly say I didn't know how to react! Such vitriol then elation. You never knew when this person was going to explode. This behavior was so frequent that I almost felt like I was losing my mind just being in this person's presence!
This person's halo burned bright. The need to feel perfect and see others as imperfect compared to herself let her wrap her mind into something manageable. She could cover her insecurities by focusing on the problems of others. But haven't we all done that at some point? We look at the speck in our brother's eye but overlook the "telephone pole" in our own eye. The person I refer as wearing her halo brightly is also one of the most miserable people that I know. It is hard to watch sometimes. Do I hate, pity or dislike this individual. Actually, no. But it's difficult to watch someone crumble under their own insecurities. If she would receive it, all I would want to say to her is, "Just take off your halo."
Peace, Vegan Girl
Copyright 2012 All rights reserved
As I continue to read Victoria Moran's book Fat, Broke, and Lonely No More! I find nuggets of information that I find noteworthy. Today's topic is about taking off your halo. Moran suggests that we try to wear halos of perfection. People may think I must be the perfect mom or my kid's classmates will talk about me. I must be the perfect professional or all my friends will think I'm a failure. If my house isn't spotless when my friends come over what will they think! Well, they'll think your a "control freak" and they would probably be right. OK, that was a little harsh. We all have little demons sitting on shoulders whispering our failures, mistakes, and shortcomings. But, how are you going to "craft" your life to avoid such pitfalls? Vegans spend their lives wanting nothing but peace and compassion. We want to do no harm. But, do we apply this perspective in the way we treat ourselves? What we feel on the inside will eventually spill out from us. Whether it is good or bad.
Well, let's first start with a little story. I had a chance to be around a certain person much more than I'm usually around them. This person wears a halo. This halo is not just any halo, but a halo that says I do everything right and I'm the only one who cares, and if on that rare occasion I do make a mistake and appear to not care, it was because of someone else. Hmm... Yes, this person has a very interesting perspective. I watched this person's behavior throughout our time together. I could describe her behavior as nothing short of bipolar (and no, I do not make light of people's medical conditions. conditions untreated can harm all involved. nor am I an expert on diagnosis.) One minute this person was in a near rage about a problem and literally seconds later they were having a normal conversation. I can honestly say I didn't know how to react! Such vitriol then elation. You never knew when this person was going to explode. This behavior was so frequent that I almost felt like I was losing my mind just being in this person's presence!
This person's halo burned bright. The need to feel perfect and see others as imperfect compared to herself let her wrap her mind into something manageable. She could cover her insecurities by focusing on the problems of others. But haven't we all done that at some point? We look at the speck in our brother's eye but overlook the "telephone pole" in our own eye. The person I refer as wearing her halo brightly is also one of the most miserable people that I know. It is hard to watch sometimes. Do I hate, pity or dislike this individual. Actually, no. But it's difficult to watch someone crumble under their own insecurities. If she would receive it, all I would want to say to her is, "Just take off your halo."
Peace, Vegan Girl
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Humble Beginnings
Vegan Living Thursday
Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved
Well there's a new store in town. This will be an all-vegan store called NOOCH. Owners Joshua LaBure and Vanessa Gochnour plan on offering items that no other store in town can provide including vegan specialty food and clothing. The store is located in an up and coming area called RiNo. Currently, they are fundraising to get enough money for some high-end equipment. The owners are near their goal but need a few thousand dollars donated from people like you to hit the mark. Find out more information on this great new venture at:
I for one am very excited that a store like this is moving into Colorado. There is a lot of buzz in the local vegan scene about if the store will get off the ground and will prices be competitive. I'm all for the entrepreneur. This is a country that has grown fiscally because of the initiative of creative small business owners. I support the potential of this great idea. Time to donate!
Peace, Vegan Girl
Monday, June 18, 2012
Something New...
Cyber Fyber Monday
I got a great idea from a blog I like to visit called Pink Paper Peppermints.( The host says that she is working on a project of crocheting a granny square every week. I thought what a brilliant way to stay inspired! The mind stays fresh working with a new design and several possible colorways.
I will confess, despite my years of knitting, crocheting and weaving, I'm not even intermediate in my skills in any of those artistic areas! Tsk, Tsk! I prefer to spin beautiful yarns and then stare at them in a basket and hope the cats don't see the yarn as dinner! LOL! I suppose I have a bit of difficulty committing to project like knitting a sweater. I usually make things like scarves, hats and socks. I like to work with color and texture over pattern. Hense, the love of creating unique handspun yarns.
But... As you may already know, I'm in the process of changing how I look at fiberarts. Giving up animal fiber was a big deal because I will now craft yarn with primarily plant-based fibers. A fascinating and yet overwhelming thought! But I'm excited to learn something new.
So, I decided to challenge my skills in knitting and crochet for now. I decided to create a sample a week by looking at various patterns. Here is the start of my first pattern. It is a steep diagonal knit stitch. I decided to use inexpensive acrylic yarn because it is cost effective and can hold a stitch firmly. I can't wait to show you the finished sample!
Peace, Vegan Girl
Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved
I got a great idea from a blog I like to visit called Pink Paper Peppermints.( The host says that she is working on a project of crocheting a granny square every week. I thought what a brilliant way to stay inspired! The mind stays fresh working with a new design and several possible colorways.
I will confess, despite my years of knitting, crocheting and weaving, I'm not even intermediate in my skills in any of those artistic areas! Tsk, Tsk! I prefer to spin beautiful yarns and then stare at them in a basket and hope the cats don't see the yarn as dinner! LOL! I suppose I have a bit of difficulty committing to project like knitting a sweater. I usually make things like scarves, hats and socks. I like to work with color and texture over pattern. Hense, the love of creating unique handspun yarns.
But... As you may already know, I'm in the process of changing how I look at fiberarts. Giving up animal fiber was a big deal because I will now craft yarn with primarily plant-based fibers. A fascinating and yet overwhelming thought! But I'm excited to learn something new.
So, I decided to challenge my skills in knitting and crochet for now. I decided to create a sample a week by looking at various patterns. Here is the start of my first pattern. It is a steep diagonal knit stitch. I decided to use inexpensive acrylic yarn because it is cost effective and can hold a stitch firmly. I can't wait to show you the finished sample!
Peace, Vegan Girl
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Notes on a Change...
Noteworthy Saturday
Well that's a pretty heavy title for a book! Seriously, no pun intended! As some of you may know, Noteworthy Saturday is about appreciating the written word. Whether crafted in a scrapbook, simple journal, reading a good book, or writing a novel.
I had heard about Victoria Moran from a podcast I listen to called Vegan and the Living is Easy-- Check them out on iTunes. Ginger and Marion are lively hosts that focus on all aspects of Veganism. Victoria has been on their podcast twice and she's always an interesting guest. She is an author, speaker and Vegan. Also I think she's a Christian.
There are several books she's written that caught my eye. Apparently her book Living a Charmed Life is quite popular. I guess that will be next on my list! I saw this book Fat, Broke and Lonely No More! on and was intrigued by the cover and the title. Plus buying it used made it super cheap!
I just started to read the book and so far I like what she's saying. She's discussing being a victim to the media/societal pressures to be something we're not. She basically asks the question "What do you want for yourself?" She asks us to address the emptiness in our lives. The emptiness that makes thin or rich people want to avoid becoming fat and broke. The emptiness that makes fat or broke people strive to be rich and thin. Not to mention loneliness. The "world" sees a person as abnormal if their life is not like the sitcom Friends. Meaning that they are surrounded by groups of friends most days of the week. We pressure ourselves to be perfect in the world's eyes, but overlook our needs and capabilities.
More to come as I continue to read this book!
Peace, Vegan Girl
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Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved |
I had heard about Victoria Moran from a podcast I listen to called Vegan and the Living is Easy-- Check them out on iTunes. Ginger and Marion are lively hosts that focus on all aspects of Veganism. Victoria has been on their podcast twice and she's always an interesting guest. She is an author, speaker and Vegan. Also I think she's a Christian.
There are several books she's written that caught my eye. Apparently her book Living a Charmed Life is quite popular. I guess that will be next on my list! I saw this book Fat, Broke and Lonely No More! on and was intrigued by the cover and the title. Plus buying it used made it super cheap!
I just started to read the book and so far I like what she's saying. She's discussing being a victim to the media/societal pressures to be something we're not. She basically asks the question "What do you want for yourself?" She asks us to address the emptiness in our lives. The emptiness that makes thin or rich people want to avoid becoming fat and broke. The emptiness that makes fat or broke people strive to be rich and thin. Not to mention loneliness. The "world" sees a person as abnormal if their life is not like the sitcom Friends. Meaning that they are surrounded by groups of friends most days of the week. We pressure ourselves to be perfect in the world's eyes, but overlook our needs and capabilities.
More to come as I continue to read this book!
Peace, Vegan Girl
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Well Hello Kitty!
Vegan Living Thursday
I hear quite a few philosophies on what to feed your pet. We craft our pet's lives through our dedication to veganism. We are inspired to do no harm by providing the best care possible for their well-being. I decided to start a short series on what to feed your pets. And no, I'm no expert in this area, I just want to be more informed.
People ask me, "So do you feed your pets a vegan diet?" My response is, " When I see cats and dogs in the wild foraging for tofu and kale, then I will feed my pets a vegan diet!"
Of course after my statement I hear the "Oh, but your supporting the terrible meat industry. Aren't you being a hypocrite?" My response is, "Everytime we drive our cars and use computers etc. etc. etc. we support industries that use animal parts." Vegans are not perfect (was there ever any doubt!) and no we cannot avoid not harming all living things 100%of the time. But I am purposely inspired to avoid as many animal products as possible.
As I continue to research I will present various options on pet diets. I'll start with kitties. This may offend some, but I will ask you not to feed your cat a vegan diet. They cannot live successfully on a plant-based diet. Yet, with that being said, I question some of the pet nutrionists who say that plant-base protein is a poor quality in comparison to animal flesh. Afterall, I'm a vegan and I'm certainly not wasting away! But, I am excited to learn more and share my findings with you.
Peace, Vegan Girl
Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved
I hear quite a few philosophies on what to feed your pet. We craft our pet's lives through our dedication to veganism. We are inspired to do no harm by providing the best care possible for their well-being. I decided to start a short series on what to feed your pets. And no, I'm no expert in this area, I just want to be more informed.
People ask me, "So do you feed your pets a vegan diet?" My response is, " When I see cats and dogs in the wild foraging for tofu and kale, then I will feed my pets a vegan diet!"
Of course after my statement I hear the "Oh, but your supporting the terrible meat industry. Aren't you being a hypocrite?" My response is, "Everytime we drive our cars and use computers etc. etc. etc. we support industries that use animal parts." Vegans are not perfect (was there ever any doubt!) and no we cannot avoid not harming all living things 100%of the time. But I am purposely inspired to avoid as many animal products as possible.
As I continue to research I will present various options on pet diets. I'll start with kitties. This may offend some, but I will ask you not to feed your cat a vegan diet. They cannot live successfully on a plant-based diet. Yet, with that being said, I question some of the pet nutrionists who say that plant-base protein is a poor quality in comparison to animal flesh. Afterall, I'm a vegan and I'm certainly not wasting away! But, I am excited to learn more and share my findings with you.
Peace, Vegan Girl
Monday, June 11, 2012
For the Love of Alpaca...
Cyber Fyber Monday
As I go on my journey to be a vegan fiber artist I recently experienced a personal and possibly ethical "snag". Alpaca. Those beautiful creatures whose eyes seem to read your soul. I thought to myself, well I know a person who raises Alpaca and they treat their Alpaca very well. I could still use the fiber since it's basically combed or brushed from the animal's coat. But then I read the article by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary (located in Colorado). Here is the article:
Reading this article changed everything. I couldn't personally justify using the animal's hair for my projects. I felt that it was not mine to use as a commodity. I didn't want to give sellers the idea that I would purchase Alpaca fiber. As I always say, " When you hit a business in the wallet, then they will listen." I will enjoy those beautiful creatures with my eyes instead. You may have other thoughts(I get it), but this is the path I thought best for me.
Peace, Vegan Girl
Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved
Reading this article changed everything. I couldn't personally justify using the animal's hair for my projects. I felt that it was not mine to use as a commodity. I didn't want to give sellers the idea that I would purchase Alpaca fiber. As I always say, " When you hit a business in the wallet, then they will listen." I will enjoy those beautiful creatures with my eyes instead. You may have other thoughts(I get it), but this is the path I thought best for me.
Peace, Vegan Girl
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Yves Saint Laurent
Noteworthy Saturday
Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved
Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it ~ Yves Saint Laurent
Fashion can speak as loud as words... Every line, every detail can paint a picture of thought. The Yves Saint Laurent exhibition was a retrospective of his life's work. He reflected his vision through cloth. Unfortunately, his work was not considered vegan. Many haute couture designers use wool, silk, other exotic fibers and feathers in their work. Despite the use of these materials, I still appreciate great design as a form of "unwritten" communication.
Peace, Vegan Girl
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Oh Yummy Comfort Food!
Vegan Living Thursday
©2012 All Rights Reserved
Rich, creamy, faux cheezy…sublime… This was by far the best
tasting Mac n’ Cheeze that I've prepared. According to VegWeb- my favorite
vegan recipe website (, this
recipe is called the Best Vegan Mac and Cheese in the entire World… Seriously (
I would have to agree!
There is not much I would change about this recipe. I
would reduce the 1 tablespoon of salt to half or ¾ the amount. I had bowtie
pasta on hand instead of elbow macaroni. The creamy sauce wrapped itself around the pasta for an extra boost of flavor. I recommend about
16 oz of bowtie pasta for the full recipe. I also
used teriyaki sauce instead of soy sauce because that’s what I had on hand. I
would love to try this same recipe with rotini pasta. I topped off my meal with
a small salad. Very filling. Oh the yumminess! Tell me what you think of the
Peace, Vegan Girl
Monday, June 4, 2012
Cyber Fyber Monday
I Dreamt of Cotton...
After being inspired by my previous video post of the woman
spinning cotton in Ecuador ,
I decided to embark on my own cotton spinning adventure. I purchased some easy to spin
50% light brown cotton, 20% dark brown cotton and 20% Lyocell roving from The Village
Spinning & Weaving Shop ( Lyocell is a
cellulose fiber made from bleached wood pulp. The roving is incredibly soft to
the touch! The coloring is a gorgeous fawn with a hint of glimmer (must be the Lyocell). The staple
length is probably over a ½ inch.
I pulled a section of the roving; I imagine it was no more
than four inches long. I separated that piece into smaller sections. I didn’t
bother to draft the sectioned fibers more. I felt that the sections would spin
nicely without further assistance. I retrieved from my cabinet a poor, little, neglected
spindle I purchased nearly ten years ago. This spindle is a handcrafted spindle
with a glass blown whorl and metal shaft. It is a lovely spindle, but I hadn’t
worked much with support spindles because the worsted, woolen yarns I created
didn’t need a supported spindle. I bought it because it was different and cute!
I didn’t find spinning this fiber to be horrible at all. LOL! I’d
heard stories of challenge and frustration! What was difficult for me was creating
an even yarn. I laugh at the lumps and bumps in my yarn. And no, I won’t just
tag it as “art yarn” :) I will cut myself some slack, after all it was the first time I’ve spun cotton!
I really like the spongy softness of the fibers. I would like to ply this
sample and test it out on a small project before trying to spin it on my
spinning wheel. I can’t wait until I save up for a charka! But that is a story
for another day…
Peace, Vegan Girl
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Noteworthy Saturday
For the Love of Writing...
Copyright ©2012 all rights reseved
As some of you may know, I’ve written my very first novel.
Yay! I’m now in the process of finding an agent. My cozy mystery is about a character
Natalie D’Aunay, a museum educator at the International Costume and Textile
Institute who is taken on a whirlwind ride where fashion and deception collide.
Writing a book has been a very long process for me. I
started this book several years ago. I had written about 64 pages when I lost
my museum job due to re-structure. Well, I was busy searching for employment
and put this book on the shelf for nearly four years!
When my life was more settled, I felt a great desire to
complete this book. So I finished my story in about five months. I went on to
editing and now I’m trying to find an agent. I will confess that this has been
the not-so-fun process of writing. LOL!
I’ve had my ups and downs. Weeks had gone by and I’d had
writers block and lack of direction. This is all so new to me, but I've always felt
a joy with writing. Writers say writing can be cathartic. They are right! I
love learning how to create characters, design plots, and understand the
process of writing. In this book I get to talk about my love of textiles, the
complexities of human relationships, and I made the main character a
vegetarian. Of course! I also discovered that my grammar skills are terrible!
But, again it’s about the journey. Please share any with me your thoughts on
the writing and publishing industry. Wish me luck!
Peace, Vegan Girl
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