
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Noteworthy Saturday

A Touch of Magic...

As you know I love to read. Whether it is the bible, a cozy mystery, romance, vegan literature, the occasional magazine, all about cats, online news articles etc. etc. etc. there is always something interesting to read to grow and entertain your mind.

What I thought was interesting are all the books that are being published that have some sort of take on the supernatural (unable to be explained by science or the laws of nature), magic and witchcraft. Hmm... Why are so many people interested in this topic? Yes, I know that this topic is not new and is has been prevalent over the centuries. I do think it experiences a resurgence every now and then. I will admit, I was actually disturbed by the amount of chick lit books that have characters who bewitch people or interact with ghosts. The books run the gamut.

I decided to look up the definition of magic in the Merriam Webster dictionary:

1a: the use of means (as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces b: magic rites or incantations
2a: an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source b: something that seems to cast a spell : enchantment
3: the art of producing illusions by sleight of hand 

I could go on and on with more definitions of the words such as spell, rites and incantations. But, what struck me was the word enchantment. The word means to be influenced by, attracted to or to hold the attention of. Mix enchantment with magic and you are creating a whole new world of perception.

I think magic can be fascinating. To think that there is something or someone with supernatural powers is unique. In my opinion, God is supernatural. Angels are supernatural. Demons are supernatural. I often consider those of us who are Christians who choose to believe in a loving, yet jealous God compared to those who choose to believe in demonic, malevolent forces. Why do we do such things? Because we have seen the power of our choice? I see how God cares for me, shapes me, and guides me and sometimes we are not necessarily in agreement, but I know that he loves me.

Note: Okay Christians don't go getting mad at me for using the word magic when I speak about God. No I do not think God is a mystic, a wizard or a genie in a bottle. No, I don't think he cast spells over us to control or enchant us. But he has done some magical things. Whether creating a flower, parting the Red Sea or producing a hand that writes on a wall (Daniel 5:5), God has done some pretty supernatural stuff.

Then there are those who follow malevolent beings or the dark arts. Think Harry Potter... Now I know I'm picking sides. There are a lot categories in between. But, I find it interesting what people choose to believe. It's like people are searching for something greater than themselves. The comfort of a "leader/parent figure" who is there for them and who is more poweful than ourselves. Somebody's got to be in control right? If you choose to follow any supernatural being there is magic in daily life. Whether a miracle of Gods healing and help or the conjuring of demonic power. You will see magic in various forms.

What are your thoughts on magic?

Peace, Vegan Girl

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fyber Cyber Monday


Copyright 2012 all rights reserved
I was pleasantly surprised to find a selection of bamboo yarn at the local Hobby Lobby store. They also had cotton yarns plus a variety of synthetics. The bamboo yarn was very soft and fuzzy. The colors were somewhat limited to basic blues, reds, pink rust etc. Also the fuzzy texture of the yarn would be difficult to knit in my opinion. Like many other fuzzy or eyelash yarn, you don't want to make a mistake or you'll never be able to pull the stitches out!

I'm just glad that there is affordable non-animal based yarns out there! I'm lucky enough to have an upscale yarn store in my area. But, the cost is a bit prohibitive. I'm just not willing to pay $20 for a skein of yarn at this point. Maybe if I was knitting or crocheting something extra special. So right on Hobby Lobby for keeping your prices low and the selection nice!

Peace, Vegan Girl

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Noteworthy Saturday

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

Copyright 2012 all rights reserved

In my collection of many books, I have kept a copy called Being Vegan by Dr. Joanne Stepaniak. This book is interesting because it deals with questions that many people who are vegan or are becoming vegan might have. The question could be: Should you throw out or give away any leather items that you own? What do vegans believe?

I wanted to touch on a specific topic such as should vegans purchase food that looks like it's animal-based counterpart? Joanne says that she does not purchase these items because it basically glorifies the original. My wording not hers. At first, I disagreed. I purchase Tofurky sausages every so often and buy vegan cheese and I don't feel that I support the continuation of eating animal-based products. I considered that it would be better to let our flesh eating friends know that there are compassionate substitutes.

Then, I was on Facebook reading something or another and I discovered this product by The Regal Vegan - as Foi Gras (a vegan walnut and lentil pate). My first reaction was gross. Why would I want to buy a product that contains the name of an animal-based product that is made through cruelty. Why not let that product be banned. Hmm... Oh, wait another dilemma... I eat Tofurky, how is that different? Or is it? This has really challenged me. On one side, I think we should let people know that there are cruelty free substitutes that are just as tasty. Then the other side says, why promote products in a new form and list them as not cruel? Isn't that validating the original product in some way?

There are a lot of implications with this line of thinking. The same could be say of faux leather etc. I still don't know quite how I feel about all of this. I still don't like the idea of vegan fois gras. I'm a work in progress on this topic. I would love to know how you feel about vegan, look-a-like food.

Peace, Vegan Girl

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Vegan Living Thursday


Jackson Galaxy at CatFest
Somali cat at CatFest

Copyright 2012 all rights reserved

I had a great opportunity to visit a shelter in Denver called the Dumb Friends League ( Despite the unusual name they had a great event called CatFest. As some of you in the shelter world realize, cats can be harder to adopt. Sometimes their value goes unnoticed. Many people considered cats to be too independent and not as fun as dogs. So NOT TRUEI live in a state that loves dogs so cats can get the short-end of the stick.

CatFest had all sorts for fun activities including face painting, games, booths that focus on kitty comfort. They also had tables about fostering cats, cat behavior and how to play with your cat. I really enjoyed the purebred cat room. It's interesting to see the different exotic breeds like the Somali cat pictured above.

This event also had Jackson Galaxy as the special guest which was a huge draw. Jackson Galaxy is a cat behaviorist with his own show on Animal Planet (check out his website He helps owners solve behavior issues in their cats.

Behavior issues such as housesoiling is often why so many cats make it back to the shelter. People don't realize that many things can disrupt a cats behavior to cause them to housesoil. Especially if the condition is not medical. Anything from perfumes, not cleaning the littler box enough or bringing in a baby can cause a cat to housesoil. The one thing to know is that with diligence cat behavior can be corrected. Visit your local shelters website to learn more about animal behavior. Most sites will have a section to help your pet adjust to it's new home.

I hope as a Vegan you take the time to donate money and your time to local animal shelters. I know many vegans will focus on farm and aquatic animals, but all animals deserve our undivided attention. Shelters provide so many services to care for homeless and abandoned pets. You can quibble all you want, but a shelter is a shelter whether it is "No Kill" or "Open Admission." They both need your help! I'll come back to a discussion of NO Kill vs. Open Admission at a later date. Their differences may open your mind in unexpected ways.

Visit your animal shelter today! Share the love and donate supplies or money or time. It will be worth it!

Peace, Vegan Girl

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Got Like?

Noteworthy Saturday

Yep, I'm still reading Victoria Moran's book called Fat, Broke, and Lonely No More! The topic that I focused on talked about realizing who you are and liking yourself. You've all heard this a million times. Well, maybe not millions, but at least a few times in your life.

It's the thought of looking in the mirror and really seeing what's there. Victoria mentions that you can be fit, flush and partnered and still be miserble. We've all seen "it" happen before with a celebrity or even a friend. The "it" being that everything looks great on the outside, but the inside is crumbling apart.

As we write noteworthy stories of our lives, I think that we always have to be careful what we put on a pedastal. That's including Veganism or religion. When we allow ourselves to get so wrapped up in a cause, no matter how good it is, we can be accused of serving idols. There's always passion involved. Christ was passionate. But he also knew his source.

One person can move mountains. But, that same person can hide how they feel about themselves for example through charitable and religious causes. A person can fight for the underdog or cat or cow... and lose themselves because they can't see fighting for their own well being. They can aspire to great religious heights, then discover that they have all the trimmings but the tree is still empty.

If you don't like who you are whether you have it all or not, those feelings will come out one way or the other. Things, status, personal relationships cannot fill the void no matter how shiny or new. Everything will disappoint us at some time. We all have parts of ourselves that could use something more than "duct tape and hot glue." Until you learn to be content with what you have and who you are, you will forever chase after the wind. Check out Philippians 4:12-13

Peace, Vegan Girl